You'll find a casual atmosphere and warm welcome when you visit El Pueblito.


  • What is it like? 

Worship is casual at El Pueblito, and easy to follow. There will be a bulletin with the service printed, and a song book. Everyone is invited to participate in all parts of the service, including communion on the first Sunday of the month. 

  • What about my kids?

Children are very welcome at El Pueblito! When we are outdoors in spring, summer and fall, there is plenty of room to roam! There is  a children's table with books and activities related to worship. Indoors, we have a family area on one side of the altar which has a rocker, and a children's table with things to explore. Please don't worry about moving around and noise - when we say we welcome children, we welcome them fully as they are - children! 

  • Where do I park?

There are parking areas on both sides of the building. 

  • What do I wear? 

Please dress casually - come just as you are. 

Summer outdoor worship - weather policy: From May to September, we worship outdoors most Sundays unless the forecast (checked at 8:30 am) predicts temperatures over 90 degrees, under 60 degrees, chance of rain over 15% or winds over 20 mph. We will extend this into October as the weather permits.

  • How can I get connected?

If you would like to be on our weekly email list, please send us a note at elpueblitoumc@gmail.com