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In 2023, Shared Table distributed about 10,200 boxes of food in our twice-monthly food distributions. That is up from about 7,600 in 2022. Pre-pandemic, our annual number was about 5,400 (2019). During the pandemic shut-down, Shared Table moved from a walk-through distribution to a drive-through model, and we have not gone back: it would be hard to serve the current numbers of people in our building, and our clients have said they prefer the drive-through model. However, serving this number of clients is stretching our limits in terms of our physical capacity (especially at El Pueblito, where traffic concerns on Paseo del Pueblo Norte are pressing), and our volunteer and staff capacity. 

See this recent article in the Taos News

The Shared Table Leadership Team is working on a new 3-year strategic plan to set a course for the coming years. The Leadership Team is made up of El Pueblito leaders and community leaders, many of whom are also volunteers, and Shared Table staff and clients. 

Shared Table provides food at two locations two times a month: on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 8:30 am to noon at El Pueblito, and from 3:00-4:30 pm at Talpa Community Center. We also distribute about 50 meals once a month in our home delivery program, and provide emergency boxes as needed. In addition, we have a diaper program that helps clients and parents at local schools.